Campus Facility

Children's Happy Home has continued to build and extend its commitment to enhancing its facilities. The aim is to preserve the history and heritage of the school, maximize the use of space available in an environmentally responsible and sustainable fashion, and plan for new and refurbished facilities.

The school will is providing the following facilities to the students:


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Spacious library for student to study subject in peaceful ambience under supervision. And for revising syllabus again, in advance to lead in competitive environment.

Science Lab

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Childrens Happy Home is very well equipped with state of the art research industry standard laboratory equipment that enable the students to attain the highest level of excellence.

Maths Lab

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We feel that we can contribute in mathematics education process by changing the way we teach in class. One needs to get away from conception that mathematics is mere collection of rules for operations like addition, subtraction and an array of formulae. Rather it should be seen as a way of thinking, modeling and reasoning of what is real.