From Principal's Desk

Dear Parents and students,

  • Education is the most important learning feature in everyone’s life. An educated person is never a failure. He/She has confidence and courage to face any challenge in life. Education doesn’t mean always to get higher qualification but it develops our personality and creates a real sense of perfect citizen. Children’s Happy Home school of Katihar has also the same moto. Our moto is only to provide disciplined life and develop the sense of creativity. To explore the potential of the students is our main target. Whatever the parents expect from their wards Children’s Happy Home School tries with its best effort to build the character of the students of this school. We at Children’s Happy Home School believe that a child imbibes whatever he/she sees. Our staff and curriculum is designated and designed to educate and encourage our students. Our mission is for holistic development. Thanks.

With best compliments.

Mr. A. K. Mishra Sir